Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bye bye holidays....

In a blink of an eye, 2 weeks have passed, and all is left is the schooling days in Penang Free School... Bah, doesn't really matter to me, since holiday or not, no difference, just don't have to go to school and can wake up late, nothing new... Excited about school re-opening? Nah...

The first thing that will start in school tomorrow is assembly, which is one of the most frustrating part for me... Not only we have to stand approximately 50 minutes, we have to listen to the boring speeches that the headmaster and the Grand Old Lady, which literally, everyone have heard of since they keep announcing it on the PA system. Next, we will suffer from one lesson of Physics, taught by Mr. Ooi (I don't mind Ms Choong, but why him...) and 3 lessons of Chemistry (teacher is not good at all in this sub). Not only that, the school will end at 2.40 for our class and there is a possible that I may have to stay back until 4 for librarian duties, if they are not canceled as told to the non-probationary librarians.

Before the holidays, the teacher gave us some homeworks for us to complete, which I did only 3/4 of the total... Chemistry homework was ok, but some parts, the teacher didn't even teach us yet... And for math, my teacher went BEYOND what we were suppose to learn. I manage to only complete half of the total questions given. The rest was either further math question or something out of syllabus...

Monday would be a horror, considering that all the thing I am afraid would happen on that day... I wish the holidays could be longer, so I don't have to face the school, the headmaster, the super-long assembly (with no seating by the way) and the super long speeches. Hopefully Monday ain't that bad and I could endure the bad things happening on that day...

Signed off,
Teng Aun.