Monday, June 28, 2010

A Day Away From Nerdy Glasses

I've been wearing a pair of glasses for the past 9 years, and thanks to my weak eye, my power never failed to increase as the year goes... From a 300/350 to 550/600 in 9 years, how cool is that? Urgh...

I was told that contact lens might help stabilise the power if we don't really stress it a lot. I've been doing a lot of changes on myself already, so, why not? There are many cons, I know, the cleaning process, the protein layer, the oxygen level, the eye sensitivity and hell lot more, but I've decided to give it a try.

Went to make my lens weeks ago in Sunshine and just took it from them yesterday. It was also the St. John Flag Day, so I got my wallet ready with coins and RM1 notes, because I DO know the pain of asking money during Flag Day, I was in their shoe a few months ago... Didn't give any money though because none seemed to approach me... I would if they do, but maybe they think I won't since I don't have the rich face in me...

Went into the Optic Centre and learned how to take care of them, put them on, and take them off. Man, I needed 30 minutes to put a pair of contacts, and the same to take them off for the 1st time. Luckily the attendant was patient enough.
I have ugly pair of eyes. =.=lll

Went to Gurney afterwards to meet up with...
... these guys... Kenny just got back from Miri so we have a little hangout.

Just walked around because SauFei wanted a headphone, and Randy is trying to find a bald cap for the King And I play, or he would have to shave bald...

Went to Kim Gary's for dinner. It was my 1st time going in there for a meal.
Had to sit beside this guy, sigh...

Loved the interior design though.
Basically this is more of a dinner rather than a hangout, but something funny happened. Randy collected our money and handed it to the manager (I think). Man, she was pretty, and Randy agrees as well. How I know? He was staring at her the whole time, and took the whole bill book together while leaving the place, blurly... Ah... Joke of the day, damn I should've taken a photo... We know where Randy will find a part time job in December now.

Nothings left to do but to go home. I got to introduce my weird songs to Randy though, but it didn't give the eerie effect to him as to SauFei, who asks me to shut down before he bangs another car out of fear...

Signed off,
Teng Aun.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I'm lovin' it. Look forward to it everytime, though it may not be permanent.

To those who didn't notice the difference, you don't know me AT ALL. =.=

Signed off,
Teng Aun

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Its Back Again!

Its here! Its here! The FIFA WORLD CUP IS BACK!!!!! AND I.........















... don't really give a damn about it... Sigh, its seriously right now...

Besides, who needs a live score website or a TV for latest scores? More than 5 of my facebook friends are updating about the match on their statuses... Peace...

Signed off,
Teng Aun.

Emergency! Help Required!

Okay before I state what help I need, its better for me to tell the story behind it 1st or it may sound a little... misleading...

Went to school on Thursday for Ms. Choong extra class on Physics, and was informed that Pn. Malini wanted to see us propsmen (yea, I volunteered...)

Went to the school hall as said, and I saw some of the cast practicing their dances.

Joyce is my boss in this division, and she has a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG list of what to find and... that will be our task...

Well, I wasn't the only volunteer for propsmen so I don't need to find that much item...
But the problem is, the item I was assigned for... which is;

--> Parasol (Where could I find this?)

--> Old Suitcase.

NO, I don't want a parasol for myself, eww. Its for Anna, in some scenes she's gonna use it. Actually all these stuff are for the play... so...

Any kind soul possessing the items stated above, could you PLEEEEEASE kindly borrow it for the play of The King And I? I'd be so screwed if I couldn't hand in these stuff when school re-opens...

Signed off,
Teng Aun.