Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Of Madness And Insufficient Time

Last year, I was appointed the IT officer to the Board Of Librarians or more commonly known as BOSLIB, Penang Free School. Right now, I have feelings of regret for accepting this post. Not to mention I was not told about this post till the minute they announce my name during badge-giving ceremony, which leaves me no choice but to accept.

At first, this came across my mind, "What does IT Officer do anyways, it should be easy". Well, hell no! I may have one of the posts that sound easy in the outside, but its actually torturing and exhausting in the inside. Last year, my first project was to make a short movie clip on the journey of the previous EX-COs. This itself is frustrating. I am not good with Photoshop and any other programs, not to mention I own them in the first place... I went to ask for help, and resulted with Sau Fei, since he is the IT master, and has done videos for the History Club.

1st video
Comments- Too short, musics don't match, to 'picture-sy'...

Again, Sau Fei, I am terribly sorry for this... I know, its been almost a year but I am still in fury, not to mention sooner they will add Gasoline on it... I've decided to edit myself for the 2nd video.

2nd video
Comments- Music too 'wushu-ish' (WTH!), doesn't match with photos, too 'picture-sy' (again...), lack of humor, unsatisfying headlines...

This time, I was REALLY MAD because I actually abandoned my homeworks to finish up this video, which costs me approximately 9 hours to complete! All those time which I could actually spend on doing something more beneficial, or even to play games... To let them taste their own medicine, I pulled the Head Librarian into my project, Thinagaran. We spent about 2 days to complete this video... I was even on the process of completing the video when the event was suppose to commerce in 30 minutes...

3rd video (only commented after the event)
Comments- Nice, once is not enough, songs are matching, meaningful.

Oh finally someone knocked some sense into them. Thina was also about to explode if they were to give one SINGLE negative comment. I myself however, was not very satisfied with it... All the special effects Sau Fei has added was removed..

Okay, next project, library/student cards for Lower 6. Oh boy, this will take a while... All the previous IT Officers only assign 2 days for photoshoot. Me, however, assigned 3 days for this... Reason? 1st day, normal, but LOADS of absentees, especially from the literature/history class. 2nd day, coincidentally, ALL of the absentees from the literature/history class were absent, AGAIN! Therefore, 3rd day, nothing much achieved, less than 5 turned up...

Now on to the tiring process, to key in the student's data... One reason why this is difficult is because somehow, we lost the data. I get blamed for sure, but I could have sworn it wasn't me. The data for Form 6 could be traced back, but for the other forms, it could mean trouble. Took about 2 weeks to trace back everything. After inserting the data, printing out the cards and handing over to the students, every class had at least 5 cards with mistakes... Its about RM15 loss every class... Half was my mistake, as I was rushing to complete it since the Final Exams are coming, but the other half was not my mistake! I should kick the monitors for writing their names whereas their U's are so similar to their O's and also for spelling their classmate's name wrong.

On with the correction, and everything was complete till the VERY LAST DAY of school. Most people would bring their cellphone or camera and have fun in class. Me, on the other hand, was in the library, enslaving myself to this job. As the bell strikes 10.50, all are done and I sent them to their respective owners. I do NOT even look at them when I hand in the cards as I was to afraid to know there will be mistakes again. Yep, there are, and they handed it to me the next year...

Out with the Form 6, and in with the Form 1... Its the same, old routine all over again, except it might be easier since we had the list with us... Still, I am having problems completing it because 'someone' promised me to do it ( he should), and never even made a single card in 2 weeks...

Was suppose to complete before Chinese New Year, but out it go with that plan. Its only 4 more days till CNY, and only 1 out of 8 classes are done with the card... Besides, some little devils made a fuss in the library, causing the photo hard to be cropped, and some could not even memorize their Identity Card series...

Right now, the teacher advisor is also incharge of the Resource Room, and he is somehow planning on doing a Multimedia Corner, which he pointed out during a committee meeting, and looked directly at me when he announce it... You know what it means... I am still in a state of confusion, on what I have to do, and in frustration, as in, WHY ME?!!!!!!

Signed off,
Teng Aun.