Friday, December 31, 2010
Shoot, Shoot, SHOOT!!!
Posted by Kelvin at Friday, December 31, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Outing
Friday, December 17, 2010
Its Over
Posted by Kelvin at Friday, December 17, 2010 0 comments
Monday, December 13, 2010
My Taste In Music...
... is weird... xA harr hLYUmLYUmOrO eje/. xA sorr kLYUvLYUr du qejyu/. xN rre hLYImLYUmOrO a.u.k. zess quesa/. xA harr hUmmOrO eje ag dazua/. xA harr hLYUmLYUmOrO eje/. xA rre wArAmA maen a.u.k. zess titia/. If you are an Ar Tonelico fan you would easily recognize this... The language is called Hymmnos. Given a definition; English descendant with a mixture of Japanese, German and Sanskrit. If you know Ar Tonelico, you know its bull. Its a language created by Japanese for Ar Tonelico. Usually I don't follow any band or singer loyally, but I have about 15 or more songs containing this language and genre. Go check out the Hymmnos letters, definitely will freak you out. It seems that the Hymmnos font won't show up in your computers because its not in the font installed. If you feel the letters are interesting, do install them (^.^) Signed off, Teng Aun.
xI rre fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua/.
xA harr nAtLYInO hymmnos/.
xA sorr mLYOrArA du sphaela/.
xO rre mLYOtOyOyO giz wOsLYI du giz/.
xN herr v.t. ess dazua/.
xN herr v.t. goa balduo sphaela/
xN rre hLYUmLYUmOrO byui q.l.s. du sechel/.
xA harr nAtLYInO hymmnos/.
xA sorr mLYInLYUgO dn z.z.x./.
xA harr nAtLYInO hymmnos/.
xA rre mArArA sphaela/.
xA rre mArArA balduo ouvyu sphaela/.
xN rre hNmNmNrN ayulsa/.
xN rre hNmNmNrN ayulsa/.
xN rre hNmNmNrN ayulsa/.
xN rre hNmNmNrN ayulsa/
xA sorr kUvUr du qejyu dn balduo/.
xI rre cEzE fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua, vega ouvyu giz sphaela/.
xA harr nAtAnO hymmnos, ut ouvyu/.
xA sorr mOrArA du daedu ag ujes/.
xO rre mLYOtOyOyO giz wOsLYI du giz/.
xA harr jOzOtO ouwua giz hymmnos/.
xA sorr kLYUvLYUr du qejyu/.
xI rre fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua/.
xA harr nAtLYInO hymmnos/.
xA sorr mLYOrArA du sphaela/.
xA harr vIsIkI dazua/.
xA harr tAhAsA siann/.
xA harr lAkAkA maen/.
xA harr hAmmrA byui eje/.
xE rre hAkAtt nafan ouwua siann arhou/.
xA rre sEnEkk mirie, ag hEmmrA eje/.
xE rre lAnAcAaA eje/.
xA rre hLYAmLYEmLYErA sphaela/.
xA harr mLYErErA aje tafane sphaela/.
Thats how weird it is. This is the lyric for one of my favourite songs.
Posted by Kelvin at Monday, December 13, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Random
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Better than "dogcorn" right, HuiYee?
Posted by Kelvin at Sunday, December 05, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Random
Monday, November 15, 2010
Someone's Special Day
... How am I suppose to eat this?...
In TGI, celebrating birthday's are a little bit different (or only in cases for HuiYee, lol)...
and sing a song... Not a nursery or birthday song, a real song...
Posted by Kelvin at Monday, November 15, 2010 0 comments
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
A Day Of Escape
annoying lovely birthday girl, Joyce Lim Sze Yuen .I have to admit, the environment was nice, just need to replace your furnitures though... Pillows are dirty, bed is torn, and cushions have stains on them.
Posted by Kelvin at Wednesday, November 10, 2010 0 comments
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Please Understand That...
1) I'm not an item. I'm not something you can use when you want and throw away when not needed. I'm not something you use to release anger. Wanna scream? Go scream into a pillow.
Posted by Kelvin at Wednesday, October 27, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Sorrows, Worthless Issues
Sunday, October 17, 2010
18...*Poof* -->19!
Happy Birthday to our PFS magician Peter Ong! Birthday boy's face is on the picture above.
Posted by Kelvin at Sunday, October 17, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Birthday
Monday, October 4, 2010
Make A Choice, A Right One, That Is
People make choices, wrong ones and right ones.
Posted by Kelvin at Monday, October 04, 2010 0 comments
You're Finally 19
Big boy already huh? But I'm still 2 months older :P
Posted by Kelvin at Monday, October 04, 2010 0 comments
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Exam Fever
Stress is in the air~~~~
Posted by Kelvin at Thursday, September 30, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Form 6
Monday, August 30, 2010
I've seen finger-pointing, followed by giggles.
Posted by Kelvin at Monday, August 30, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Worthless Issues
Monday, August 23, 2010
Happy Birthday to Me
Haha, this is how I celebrated my birthday, which is on the 22nd August. 11am~1pm, Math tuition in Tanjung, followed by a painful finale of 6~9.30pm Chemistry tuition in Paya Terubong by Mr. Sim. Though, how did the cake shown above appear?

Posted by Kelvin at Monday, August 23, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Birthday
I have a lot of thoughts. Thoughts, that may be, or may not be reality.
Posted by Kelvin at Monday, August 23, 2010 0 comments
Monday, July 26, 2010
Demasquer La Nuit
Posted by Kelvin at Monday, July 26, 2010 0 comments