... How am I suppose to eat this?...
In TGI, celebrating birthday's are a little bit different (or only in cases for HuiYee, lol)...
and sing a song... Not a nursery or birthday song, a real song...
Monday, November 15, 2010
Someone's Special Day
As of 14th of November: Happy Birthday to Lim Hui Yee!!! A.K.A. Hayley (yea yea, your daughters name but heck, you want it at 1st right?)
Birthday girl, pic courtesy of me ^_^
Don't play play 'kay? Model sekolah... Always get 1st in the form...
In LOOOOOOOOOVE with food.
Latest craze: Mango
Went to TGI Friday to celebrate. My 1st time there. Sigh, that day was bad hair day for me. My hair seems oily no matter how many times I washed it.
Looked at the menu, and I go woohoo~~~~ there goes 1 month of my allowance...
Somehow TGI is famous for celebrating birthdays, as there are 3 birthdays celebrated at that time, including HuiYee's, but we'll see :P
Ordered Beef Bacon Cheeseburger, look at the size....
*cuts burger into pieces aggressively*
After vacuuming (literally) my order *cough*andhalfofhuiyee's*cough*, boy my stomach was so bloated I felt like a Blowfish... But every cent was worth my order, I can still taste the meat when I was having my dinner that day...
Then, here comes the cake~~~
Birthday girl is suppose to stand up on their chair...
Then, they had to blow the candles about 3 feet away from where they are standing...
Never am I going to TGI to celebrate birthdays, EVER! At least not mine :P
Phew, what a fun day... A bit tiring as well, hehe...
Afterwards, Linges joined us and we went for a walk all over Queensbay. Declared war with Toys R Us, S&J and Living Cabin. Went home after that. This shall be my last outing till STPM ends...
A little message to Lim Hui Yee;
Smile always, and live life to the fullest. Emo takes more energy and time than being happy.
Can't smile? Have a piece of chocolate :)
Pierce though STPM with confidence and joy ^_^
Signed off,
Teng Aun.
Posted by Kelvin at Monday, November 15, 2010
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