I've seen finger-pointing, followed by giggles.
I've seen snobs.
I've seen whispers while staring at me.
I've seen disgusted faces.
I may not know if there is a shrew out in the loose spreading rumours about me, but if there is, I have 3 words for you.
Get a life.
The things you are talking about is my life, my choice of living, and has nothing to do with you. It does not concern you in any matter. It is people like you that causes the current society to crumble.
Worse, those little devil whispers you indulge in may not even be true. If this is the case, it just makes you more of a nuisance.
Come to think of it, I pity you, sparing time in this nonsense when those minutes or even seconds could be spent on doing something thats ACTUALLY beneficial for you.
Also, I bet you didn't know the meaning of a word spelled m-i-r-r-o-r, because clearly, you haven't seen one. If you do, I bet you will feel terrible. Awww....
So do me a favour, take all your little devil whispers, climb all the way up to the top of Petronas Twin-Tower, do your infamous monkey dance, and the jump off. Thank you.
I have no more interest in responding to the likes of you.
Signed off,
Teng Aun.
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