24th of July 2010... Wow... The date is still so fresh in my mind...
Well, on that day, the PFS Sixth Form Society held an Orientation Ball, or more commonly called Prom Night as a 2nd event to welcome the Lower 6. Though, it could also be considered as a graduation party for us upper 6 students. The theme for this year's prom is Masquerade...
One problem, where the hell do I get a mask?
1st I decided to borrow ShinYe's mask as that was so far, the only available option. I would opt for other options if there is because the mask is quite... plain... and small... I have an XXL size for my head.
The day before prom, I followed the guys to Prangin Mall to find a mask, while they went to a saloon to set their hair... After 1 boring and tiring hour, I've only stumbled upon 2 shops selling masquerade masks, and all are ugly... Not what I had in mind... I was looking for a wolf-like mask, preferably covering my nose, up to my forehead. But nooooo~~~~ dreams don't really come true do ya? I decided not to buy any mask since none lived up to my expectation... If I want my mask to be a disaster I would have made it myself! (Oh yea, one reminder, DON'T put on mask with glitters just to try it out, as the post-try outcome WILL be sparkling)
And finally, Sunday, 24th July 2010. The Day. I've prepared everything, from clothes, to tie, and shoes. The first time wearing a full formal outfit, I actually felt great...
Move on to Northam Hotel. I previously asked Melvin to help me with my hair as I suck at it... Well, he is a man of his words and helped me out. Results? Splendid. Thanks, Melvin!
Oh yea, I was pleading for a date in my previous post, and unfortunately, I couldn't get one... Must have gotten a reputation of a lady-repeller or something...
Had to work a lil' bit before the event started... Looks like the labels for the winners couldn't be done on time...
Prevenkumar Mauthialagan and Koay Yi Lin. The guy MC was a natural joker... The slide and projector had some problems and it was thanks to the MCs that it turned out to be quite an enjoyable time before we resume with out schedule.
Next up, games. Treasure Hunt (O.O).
Yea I was shocked too, such a formal occasion, Treasure Hunt? Oh well, its not as much of a hunt as it seems. One representative from each table had to find a list of items given, and the items must either be borrowed, or salvaged from anywhere.
My table and table 14 (I think) got the quickest. They were then given a challenge, dance like Michael Jackson!
And finally, dinner.
As usual in any of the events, its always ladies 1st. The teachers had waiters serving for them so no need to get up from their chairs...
Well... the food sucked. I'll just give a few examples. The fish, covered with a thick, cheesy-like sauce. It tasted... sweet... yuck! Steamed vegetables? Sounded healthy, but I could see a thick layer of oil... Braised lamb... I don't even dare to touch... The tarts tasted like detergents... Only the soup was nice to me, but my friends told me it was overcooked. Hmm... Maybe I like it that way...
There were performances done during dinner to entertain us. All performances were done by all classes in Form 6.

Benedict Weerasena, representing 6R4, singing a song.
Chuan Teik Min, also representing 6R4, also singing a song.
After that, its time for the 2nd game. Dance! Dance! Revolution!
Each table, including the teachers had to send 2 representative to come up and draw an envelope. INside the envelope is the genre of the song they had to dance to.
Yup, believe it or not, Pn. Ruby and Pn. Molisa, dancing to a Tamil Song.
2 guys, dancing to a romantic.... song.... urgh....
... and voila, SauFei and Arvind, dancing to R&B song.
Well hold your horses, the dancing part is not over...
Honestly, I never thought I would actually join in this thing, until ChienHeng pulled me up to the stage... So I follow suit! Dancing to the songs, especially Bad Romance by Lady GaGa, I felt as if I was on ecstasy... It was WILD! Heck, Even the teachers joined in. People like Ms. Choong, Ms. Teh Bee Kim and Pn. Ruby actually danced the floor! Mr. Ooi Eng Lye came up to the stage and danced with us! Proof? Go to my facebook profile to see the video.
Phew... 1st time indulging myself in this moment of wildness... Next, performance by other classes. Mostly is singing and singing... My class did a different thing. Psychological Magic and levitation (or Hodini, as the magician labeled)
The Psychological Magic has a story. There are 4 pictured of women. A necklace will tell which women among them is dead. Only one will be dead. One person will be selected from the audience to do the honors of asking the necklace. Once he said out the name of the women, it is indeed the one that is dead.
Next up, Levitation.
Notice the flower shaped piece there? No support, and its floating... Later he burned it and pulled a flower out of it.
Next, singing by Brian John Dorai from 6AD.
Best Mask (Male): Lingeswarran
Best Mask (Female): Charlene Yeoh
Best Dressed (Male): Ee Cung Ming
Best Dressed (Female): Pakyasri
Freshie King : Benedict Weerasena
Freshie Queen : E-Laine Low
Prom KING : Afeez Arthur
And theres always time for group photo.
And the moment I always had no luck on, Lucky Draw. Seriously, all the events I've been on, I've NEVER won anything once...
The 1st prize is a friggin' Ipod Shuffle, won by the lady below, on the left.
Group photos again~~~

And the yearly culture (I think), where the President of the Sixth Form Society would open up a bottle of champagne on the stage (its actually just grape juice, as if we are allowed for champagne...)
And that, brings an end to the prom... The last few moments were spent on taking photos with well, everyone you want...

This is me with my Physics teacher, Ms. Choong...
...The drunk president, ZhenFei...
...and the keep-asking-me-to-belanja-food friend, HuiYee.
Ahhh, I never want it to end... I had SUCH a wonderful time. I actually had a rough time deciding to go or not to go, since its RM50 per head... But since its my last year, I might as well do so, and I never regret making that decision... It has carved a spot in my heart, and that day, 24th of July 2010, will never be forgotten... And I believe most of us think so too...
Signed off,
Teng Aun.
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