I've been very busy lately, and I've forgotten about my blog turning 1-year-old on May 23rd, 2010... Bad blogger I am...
Anyways, Happy Belated Birthday FreedomAndImmunity! I'm celebrating this occasion 2 months later than the original date, sigh...
Thanks to this blog, I've improved my social skills, seriously. I began exploring things more to blog about it. I've participated in A LOT more events, activities, and occasions just to find materials to blog. I've gained patience and satisfaction at times letting my anger out into my blog with words.
And since I started to blog, I've developed a tendency to READ blogs. Whenever I'm free i usually click the 'Next blog' button on the upper left side of the IE. Some random blogs came out, but I don't care, if its interesting, I read it. I've became quite a frequent viewer of KennySia's blog. I may not be as into blogs as him to dress up like a woman or some sort just to get blog materials, but I admire his passion. One of the reasons why I read his blog most compared to others is because of his humor and his ability to find interesting blog materials...
Looking at KennySia's blog and other random blogs I encounter, I realise that a blog full of words may not be interesting... I've seen blogs that do not contain a single photo and full or words, I could not even last reading half a page of it. Thats when I decided to take lots of photos for my blog. I may not have photos all the time, but most of my posts, I try to insert at least a photo, just as a prove that it actually happened.
It is then I decided I need a camera. Though, one is expensive and I couldn't carry it around all the time. The cheapest DSLR would easily cost RM2000, and a digital camera would either be troublesome, or would not be available easily because my father needs it most of his time. I don't wanna waste money to buy a new digital camera for myself until I work or when it became really necessary in university.
It is then I got this baby...
Sony Ericsson Cybershot, C902. It has the basic functions a cellphone has, which is sufficient for me. I don't need internet for my cell, nor cool games in it, but I do need a camera. This baby has a 5.0 megapixel camera, although at times it doesn't really felt like it. The flash is not a very good one though, but what can I expect from a cellphone camera? It is sufficient for me during my outings.
Halfway blogging through the whole year, I realise that most of my posts are about the events or outings that I participate in. So as a result I chose to major my posts on lifestyle and events. I dedicate at most 90% of my posts to events and lifestyles and the rest would be either my rants, or pure randomness.
Another thing I've decided to do is to change the layout of my blog once every year, and hopefully, during the anniversary of the existence of my blog. This is my old layout.

I was kinda bored with it looking at the same background for a year or more. So I've decided to change to something more simple, yet sophisticated (hopefully), and, VOILA!

Last year, I had a hard time deciding whether to blog or not to blog. Its been a tough decision for me, and you guys pretty much know what decision I made. I never regret it. I enjoyed every moment of blogging. Eventhough my mood to blog may vary from time to time, blogging always satisfy me. I promise to myself I must at least update 3 or 4 times a month, and at least once during exam months.
This may not sound true to all of you, but... I think I've developed a new hobby...
Thank you, FreedomAndImmunity.
Signed off,
Teng Aun.
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