Last week Friday, the 6AB students of PFS decided to host a surprise birthday bash for our Chemistry and Form Teacher, Pn Juma'iyah. This is weird as I've never celebrated a teacher's birthday before (most probably 'cause I hate some of them, and its too troublesome :P), but she has did a lot for our class, and we think she deserves our acknowledgement.
She was teaching in 6RC, not knowing anything at all. We brought the cake up to that class planning on surprising her, but we had a few doubts, clash of ideas and obstacles in between...

Well after a wee bit of argument, we went up instead, and I had to hold the cake =.=
As she walks out of the class, we sang the Happy Birthday song, and made her take the candle (only 1, fortunately for her) out of the cake with her mouth. A birthday tradition I suppose. She fed everyone the cake with her own hands....


Basically thats pretty much about it. The 1st hour can be considered a blast, but the rest of the day was plain boring, as no teacher entered for lessons... So our class had some vain moments...

Notice the similar smiles...
Sigh, whenever it comes to birthdays, there goes a big hole in my pocket... I've been celebrating quite a number of birthdays, causing my pocket money to decrease drastically...
Signed off,
Teng Aun.
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