Happy Birthday to our PFS magician Peter Ong! Birthday boy's face is on the picture above.
One of the problems some might face having too many friends is too many birthday updates, but I'm not complaining :P
My order, Grilled Chicken and Fish Combo. Only RM9. Compared to the RM8 Grilled Fish in Paya Terubong, this is actually quite cheap.
Probably the simplest celebration ever, dinner and lepak.
Went for dinner together with Peter, SauFei, Daarmesh, XuJen, ShinYe, Kerry and Joyce(surprisingly) at James Western Food in Fettes Park the day before his birthday.
The decorations are.... unique... Chairs, bicycles, stools, all hanging on the roof... Trees, vines and old ancient lamp posts... I felt as if I was in Alice In Wonderland.
I notice everytime I have dinner with my friends, at least 1 or 2 of them will leave their vegetables untouched. I declare myself the vacuum those times eating up all of their veges. This time though, I'll pass... Among 6 of us (excluding Joyce, she didn't order anything, ending up eating our fries :P), I was the only one that ate the vege...
Sigh, come on people, don't you guys know kids in Africa are starving? :P
Went to the beach after dinner.
Basically just stroll around, played with sand and went foot-deep into the sea. I collected a big, translucent shell there, and it looked like a moon from far, with flash on...

Seems fake I know, but its nice :) Took it home and washed it, makes a pretty good souvenir to remember this day by.
Went home afterwards.
Lastly, I wish you (Peter) a great birthday with your family, and eat lots of food because your birthday coincidentally falls on World Food Day as well (^.^).
Signed off,
Teng Aun.
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