Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Ugly Flowers Of May

Quite a number of things has happened in May, and it ain't pretty. May seems to be an unlucky month for me...

1st of all;
The retirement of our Senior Asst. of Co-curricular Activities, Ms. Lee Ewe Im. I call her the PA system, as she frequently uses it, and her piercing voice seriously pierce through my ears... Her retirement... might be good to most considering her tight system on handling secretarial work and on co-curricular activities. I myself felt that. However, I shall not forget it was you who helped me with my testimonial. You stood up for my Pinhorn marks. Thanks to that, my mark went from 1 to 72, qualifying me to get a testimonial after SPM.

To read more, click here.


The Mid Term Exam. It has ended now, but it was a nightmare. My teachers went from normal tutors to mafias when it comes to setting these papers for us. They KO-ed us in every subject. Only a SMAAAAAAALLLLL minority has overcomed it with confidence. Not to mention, I'm seriously in trouble. I don't have enough time for some of my subjects. Some was just pure luck that I could finish it, but some was pure horrible. Seriously... Sigh....


Well, I lost a friend (no, nothing happened to him, but I wish there was). Learning your friend's true face by using one of the most powerful item in this world, money, is not something to feel good about. Trust me. Never knew someone could be so selfish and get all benefits from friends, and abandon them when they are in need. Worse, I've heard from others that he is spreading false rumors about me. If this is true, I hope you get your bloody head chopped and rot in hell. Bastard.


My class seems to be tearing apart into 2 big groups now. Last year, we were a big family. We would mingle happily when the teacher has not entered class, we would help each other if there is trouble, everything was positive. This year, there seem to be a lot of fights and grunge against other people.Take me for example, and look at the statement above. It may seem as a nice class outside, which even I believed it to be, but in the inside, it ain't pretty. I've collected sources from friends, and if it weren't because of them, I wouldn't even know much.


Something must have triggered it, but I sort of regret choosing Physics now. Not that I hate the subject, I still enjoyed it at times but Physics ain't easy to score. I chose Physics over Biology is because my results in SPM for Physics is better. I also chose Physics because I am bad at memorizing, which is what Biology needs. My interest was more into Biology, but I chose Physics over it due to the ability needed to score for the exams. I overlooked too many stuffs (well I haven't experience their syllabus yet, how could I not?).

Not to mention, I felt more connected to people in Biology class. Almost all of them care for me more than the minorities in the class. SauFei, Arvind, a few more guys and the 5 girls, I DO appreciate your friendship, without you guys I won't survive a day in our class, but the minority has led me to this point. Anyways I would just like to thank your willingness to accept me as a friend.

I wonder whats wrong with me recently. My mind is all clustered and messed up. Decisions, sacrifices, amendments, all came at once, not a very good combination. I've never felt like this before until mid May. Two days later is Wesak Day, where I have to be on duty in Mahindarama in the morning. I hope I could clear up my mind after that.

May is not a good month for me.

Signed off,
Teng Aun.