Finally something to remember in the month of May. A small ray of light in this big space of darkness. Today is the day we Upper 6 Forms got our revenge on our seniors for making us suffer so much, by bullying our juniors, which is the Lower 6 Forms. They painted my face with Buncho water colour, make up, pencil and more, that it prompted one of my family members to say "Eh, you volunteer to become a canvas ah?"
Of course, things don't start off well. We end our lesson at 2.40 p.m., and were suppose to meet at 3.00 p.m. for our station briefings. We needed lots of chairs, so we hurried up and moved about 15 chairs down to the basketball court, and bought McD right before the offer ends, phew...
Ahh, enough of that, things turned out better than I imagined. We DID use like, the edge of the basketball court to 'warm up' these peeps... haha...
Not to mention their faces were painted;
Mostly by this giant.
On to the games, the station I got in charge of planned the 90 Seconds Alphabet Game (I think thats what its called). The participants are given a situation, and were to speak up a sentence with a random, given alphabet as a starter. The next person has to continue another sentence with the next alphabet as a starter. Kinda confusing to people at 1st, but they got used to it. The losers get their face painted.

All in all, I say this event has made a mark in some of the Lower 6 and most to revenge their own juniors next year...
...some went a little.... balastic...
while some got themselves ready for some cosplay.
"Apelah, mua Engrish is better than yyoooorrrrzzzz la"
I wondered around but I had to be on my station most of the time, so I only could get pictures of the station about a stone throw away from mine. Their game is Copy The Leader. Its basically, well, copy the movements made by the leader, mirror imaged (their punishment is pole dancing...).
That ends the day. Now Sixth Form society is focused on the Orientation Ball, more known as prom. The theme is Masquerade, so anyone has an extra mask I could borrow for the day?
Signed off,
Teng Aun.
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