Looking at the picture above, I guess its pretty much known our BOSLIB Trip is to Penang Chinese Girls High School. Though, their architectural trademark is quite similar to Chung Ling High School.
I've finally found time to blog about this trip. It IS one of the fun trips I rarely join in my life. There were ups and downs including misunderstanding between our board members, but all in all, everything turned out well. Lets not get too emo shall we?
Several weeks ago (YES, I know, I'm terribly late...), the Board of Student Librarians organised a trip to Penang Chinese Girls High School to visit their library as it is deemed one of the best and most organised library in Penang, among schools of course. One of the reasons most of us signed up for this trip (maybe me too) is to 'glance' at *ahems* (you guys know what I mean).
As we walking in to their porch, we were greeted by their students in charge, and later, the authorities. Don't play play, their English standard is not bad...
We were directed to a few other places before we proceed to the library. 1st is their Resource Room. Its sort of a centralised room where every documents will be compiled there and then assorted to the respective boards and clubs. There will be students in charge for about 2 to 3 hours before or after their schooling session. Such hardworkers...
Then, its off to another place. Its a room full of computers for the use of students and teachers.
Just look at the computer. Its WAY more advanced than the ancient computer in PFS. One thing I admire is their concern for students. These computers were bought SOLELY by using the funds of the school. NO help from the government in any way, and they are able to afford about more than 10 computers, while PFS authorities rejected our proposal for buying one computer, even if it is paid by our own board...
No pendrives allowed by the way, all they do for storing files is through 4shared. Genius.
There are a few more stops in between, the canteen, the stadium, and henceforth. Lets move forward to the library.
Though small, the PCGHS library probably stored more books than PFS do. Not to mention its so technologised it made PFS library looked as if it belonged to the 19th century (seriously, not joking here).
I'll give an example for my statement above. Look at the picture below.
Behold, Drill-A-Bind. Its a binding machine of course, that could bind through thick books such as novels in a flash. All you have to do is punch a hole using the right compartment, and switch to the left to melt a plastic cut automatically beforehand and stuck the pages together. Genius invention eh? Cost them about RM1k+...
Not only that, they have a fully functional TV and a computer for students usage. I even saw an electronic mini dictionary display near the entrance. Their system is very strict though.
Not to forget they actually compiled test papers and displayed them in the library.
Before he depart to another destination, we wondered around and 2 vains asked me to take a photo of them everywhere they find an interesting article or object.
One thing attracted my attention is the Blacklist Board. If one were to be implied in PFS, it'll be full in 1 week. Its mostly empty, with just 2 students in display. One is a boy for trespassing PCGHS boundary during school hours, one is for betraying PCGHS and ran to PFS for Form 6...
The girl was very sad ya' know? Look what title she was crowned before this tragic thing happened.
Haha, just joking okay?
Wondered around longer and stumbled upon their trophy collection.
This is just about one quarter of the total.
As we leave, stomachs were growling, and we had to find a place to dig in. One person ticked me though.
Aiyo, let loose la. We are here to enjoy and you have 6 other days of the week to pia.
Went to eat in a mamak store. They are famous for their mutton soup (more widely known as sup kambing) but all we could eat is nasi kandar as we only paid 3 bucks. A plate of nasi kandar with chicken, egg, and vege with a cup of syrup, all for RM3 is quite worth it though.
Our final stop, Sri Pinang Peranakan in Church Street. Its a cultural display on the traditions of Baba Nyonya, including their furnitures, clothing, and other items in their house. Even the structure of the building is made to fit the Baba Nyonya culture.
Basically we roamed around freely for about an hour to check on the display. One of the weirdest stuff over there is their couple seat.
Its as if it was invented by a mother-in-law who hates her son's wife. Some of us went overboard with the stuff displayed though...
As we were leaving, HuiYee spotted her soul mate, and decided to depart with him...

Would you marry me?
As you can see, she was horribly rejected... She left the place with a broken heart... Off to PFS to continue with our normal routine! ....... *sigh*
Signed off,
Teng Aun
P.S. HuiYee, don't kill me ya? *begs*
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