Surprise, surprise, look where I went! It is out of the ordinary for a couch potato like me to go such a place, don't you agree? Well well, the sole purpose of going to Moongate is of course, hiking!
This hiking trip is actually organized by a club. I joined for fun since I'm rotting inside my home. Went to school to fetch Yuen Chiek, since he doesn't know the direction to Moongate. Reached Moongate at 8am sharp, and to my shock, only Kerry and AnnGie is there.... ShinYe went to park her car somewhere else, and ended up directly in front of the Moongate.
Minutes later, it started to drizzle. I get messaged from Eu Teong complaining about the rain, and not able to participate the hike because of that... I presume most people think that way. In the end, its only Me, YuenChiek, AnnGie, Kerry, ShinYe, SauFei, and Wong that participated. A Form 2 boy came, but went back after that. The teacher advisor came as well, and as us to hike by ourselves since the attendance is not good (all were from my class, except Wong...). Therefore, we hiked by ourselves...
Minutes later, it started to drizzle. I get messaged from Eu Teong complaining about the rain, and not able to participate the hike because of that... I presume most people think that way. In the end, its only Me, YuenChiek, AnnGie, Kerry, ShinYe, SauFei, and Wong that participated. A Form 2 boy came, but went back after that. The teacher advisor came as well, and as us to hike by ourselves since the attendance is not good (all were from my class, except Wong...). Therefore, we hiked by ourselves...
Then, off we go! We have 2 photographers for this trip, YuenChiek and AnnGie (in fact, these photos are from AnnGie's camera). So we moved slower because they were taking photos practically every 20 steps we took. SauFei and Wong on the other hand, doesn't really know about this, therefore, moving with jetspeed. The rest of us tried to catch up real fast...
Afterwards, something happened to one of us, and the rain started pouring very slowly, so we decided to descend... This is probably the shortest hiking trip I have ever been on. The longest being my Penang Hill trip blogged a few posts before this.
With nothing else to do, we decided to go to Youth Park for... no apparent reason? Just feel like going there since we had nothing to do. Rode on ShinYe's car. We were like sardine fishes since there were 6 of us... And by the way, nice parking ShinYe. No side/middle mirror needed, nor the need to look to the back when doing reverse parking!
Walked to the pond, and the girl started vaining...
Walked to the pond, and the girl started vaining...
Afterwards, we decided to head for home... I gotta fetch YuenChiek back to school and SauFei back to... apparently... KFC... to buy some Cheesy Wedges. After heading back, I slept for a moment, and switched on my MSN. It seems like they haven't gone back yet, since they crapped a lot in my chatbox =.= .
AnnGie sent me a few photos to upload in Facebook, and it seems like they went for DimSum before heading home. These are the few photos of them in the DimSum Shop.
AnnGie sent me a few photos to upload in Facebook, and it seems like they went for DimSum before heading home. These are the few photos of them in the DimSum Shop.
Well, thats the end. Gah, finger cramp...
Signed off,
Teng Aun.
Signed off,
Teng Aun.
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