First and foremost, I would just like to wish Mr. Peter Ong Yuen Chiek A.K.A. magician of PFS a wonderful year, and may the magic be with you... Last week, on Friday was his 18th birthday and we all kinda planned to celebrate it in Queensbay. I would much prefer Prangin or Guney due to the distance, but Queensbay is nearer for him, and he is the highlight of the day, so its his choice.
The day before, SauFei, ShinYe, Kerry and I decided to buy him a cake for his birthday, at Eden. I know it ain't the best place to buy one but heck, we practically burn a lot of holes in our pocket in PFS... On that day, our plan was almost ruinned when YuenChiek actually wanted to follow us for lunch. I was suppose to order the cake immediately after lunch... Anyways we manage to distract him, and even get to ask him about his allergies so we don't kill him with our cake :P .
On Friday, the moment has come. As usual, wake up call from Eu Teong. He arrived early at my place, since he promised to teach me Physics on Pn. Ros's part. Then, went to pick up the cake and then SauFei. Went straight to Queensbay afterwards. I also got to know that YuenChiek, ShinYe, Kerry's house and EuTeong's old house are connected in one lane, and later, branched out to a mini lane each to reach their residential areas...
Reached Queensbay, and we were shocked that we were the only ones arrived... ShinYe just finish preparing, Kerry was on her way, and the rest would be late. We stopped at Old Town because we were undecided on where to eat. The cake would also melt if we decide to long, so we had to figure out a place like, QUICK! In the end, it is decided that we will go to Manhattan Fish Market.
Waited for Kerry and ShinYe to arrive. Then, YuenChiek called and said he arrived! He is actually parking his car right now... We have to stall him or else he is gonna know we bought a cake... EuTeong told him we were in Borders, and somehow, he bought it. We bought enough time to wait for ShinYe and Kerry. Went to MFM and asked to refridgerate the cake like, quick... To be honest, that was my 1st time in MFM... The food was in overly-larged portions, not to mention the price. But SauFei said it will be worth it if a gang come and dine there. He is indeed proven right afterwards.
Ordering-dillema...The food looks good, but the price is super pricey... He suggested a platter for 3, and a single meal for 1, to share with the 6 of us. He claimed that it is enough for the 6 of us. When we were ordering, YuenChiek arrived at MFM since SauFei told him we were there 10 minutes before that. Photo moments.
Frisbee-thingy, made of wood, surprisingly...
Blur-blur...Waited long for the food. Man they were slow in cooking them... And when the food arrived, we looked like 6 bloodhounds just hunted their prey after starving ourselves for 1 week...
These are the before-moments of the meal...
Fish and chips, forgot what fish is it...
Some platter, very nice...The after-moments of the meal... Time recorded, approx. 30 minutes...
Clean...Well... we were all quite satisfied with the meal. It really hit the spot well... Eu Teong grabbed most of the food, and later, regretted a bit because a dessert will be coming pretty soon. Went to talked to the waitress to serve the cake, and waited again. MAN they were slow!
Mr. Surprised...
*Cut* Chocolate Sponge CakeThen, Arvind, BoonWue and Randy arrived just on time for a group photo and to eat the cake, of course...

Someone called for the cherry quicker than birthday-boy...Afterwards, ShinYe insisted on YuenChiek to perform the tradition of all birthdays, which is to bite out the candles from the cake, with your teeth. Hesitating at 1st, he decided to do it for the sake of the day...
I'm not gonna eat the top part...
Which face is funnier, the b'day boy, or the "
kelefeh" on the side?
Daarmesh came later, just before we cut the cake and distribute them. Lucky dog he is...
XX Chromosome + Complex Carbohydrate = Broken Weight Scale...After meal, we decided to take a walk before going to the movie, since the late-comers except Daarmesh hasn't had their meal yet... Walked around the top floor and took a few photos...
L to R: SauFei, EuTeong, YoursTruly, DaarmeshThen, we went to the 'open' toilet located somewhere very deserted in the corners of the mall... The toilet was decorated and painted wonderfully, and its suprisingly CLEAN! The reason why its called 'open' is because right in front of a sink is an open-view of the outside road, without windows, instead of a mirror... However, there is a large mirror at the side, and vain moments have arrived...
L to R: YuenChiek (b'day boy), Me, SauFei, EuTeong and DaarmeshWalked more and we stumbled upon some childhood fun-machines. Then the girls forced us to enter them, since there were perfectly 5 boys, and 5 machines... EuTeong gladly went in though...
We slipped into 2nd childhood...
Again...Then, we called Arvind and it seems that they have finished eating. Met them at KFC and went straight to the cinema. Surprisingly for this time, the boys were walking very slow while the 2 girls moved at jetspeed... We lost them a lot of times on our way to the cinema... Decided to watch "Chaw". Its a Korean movie based on the human activity, hunting without limits, which caused the wild boar at a village to mutate, and become gargentuous and has the craving of human organs...
Longest movie ticket ever bought...The movie was pretty boring at start, and after a while, it got scary, especially when the boar ate everything in a human, except the head... Then, it got very hillarious in the end... Overall, it was a good movie, and the grand finale was pretty... cool? Go watch it for yourself and you will see why the '?' is there.
The day is still young, and we dunno what to do... Off to the arcade then. Played DAYTONA, basketball, and some game that required a lot of strength, since my opponent is Arvind... Also some shooting game which I died pretty fast...
Money or life??!!Went to Holland Fries and Arvind bought a packet of... well... fries, of course... Met HuiYee there, and went to Borders.
Found some interesting article though...
I'm gonna need this as a car sticker...
Imagine if I bought this for my dad on Father's Day... I'll be homeless...
Went back home afterwards... Gotta fetch Eu Teong back to his place, and man, the traffic is so congested because of Deepavali...
Phew... that was long... Hope you guys didn't fall asleep or clicked 'X' in the middle of reading this post...
Signed off,
Teng Aun.
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