12pm:Class ended. No plans today, might as well just rest today.
2pm: Received a call "Kia, ki Langkawi." @.@
But I did agree so...
Its been a while since I have ever set foot on a ferry, let alone Langkawi.
We waited for quite sometime around the gates because the car we rented weren't here yet. We waited even longer after that because those scumbag dealers used up all the petrol in the car, then loan it to us. Hence, we can't start the car =.=
After all that is out of the way, TzeYang and Barrie became the drivers and took us all to the motel we booked. It took us plenty of time just to locate the motel, because it was seriously hard to find...
As we settle down, we walked around the streets to look for food. Stumbled across a few duty free shops, so in we go.

Chocolates and liquor were really cheap here, since its tax-free. Though, we decided to buy chocolates the next day or it would've melt when we go home.
But you know the equation for girls+chocolates. Also boys+'hungryandhaventeatdinner'...
As hungry as a wolf, we boys decided to just hover them out and look for a place for dinner...
Came across this seafood restaurant that is... well... expensive!
There's a night market nearby. So, what's the harm on taking a walk in the night market, looking at the merchandises? I was wrong.
New equation: Girls+shopping and boys+'waitingforgirlsthatwentshopping'. You guess the result.
After a looooong day we finally decided to hit the sack.
Uhm, 1 room--->2 queen sized bed---> 10 people sleeping. How the heck is that possible?
Woke up 6am and took a shower. The guys had to go down very early to avoid the motel owner. She didn't allow 10 of us to stay in a room, we lied that half of us would go stay in a friend's house...
In the morning the guys took a quick stroll to find a spot for breakfast. After we are done, the girls are still not prepared =.= The time allocated is 8am. It took them until 8.45am... Its a good thing we woke them up at 6am.
After breakfast, we've decided that cable car would be our 1st destination because it might be loaded with a big crowd, and the cable car would take up a lot of time. TzeYang and Barrie are the drivers, and I was the GPS =.=lll Reading maps ain't as easy as I thought it would be.
On the way there, we stumbled across a gas station...
There is a harbour directly beside it, and the view was magnificent. Since its still early we stopped there for some pictures.
The girls wanted to do something... a little risky.
Heck, looking at them doing this already freaked me a little bit. If its the sea its okay, but its full of rocks below... And its about a story high. Well, thumbs up for being braver than the boys haha.
And as I said, the view is magnificent.
Parking fail =.=
It was a HUUUUGE disappointment because the cable car was delayed, due to strong wind. So all operations cannot be held in the morning that day.
Next stop, 7 Wells.
Its a long hike up, but not as long as a hill. But it was worth it.
There are 7 wells up there (obviously). The water is sooooooo cool and refreshing... I wish I brought my swimming outfit along, it was so cool...
Couldn't stand the temptation, I took my shoes and cellphone off and walked around shallow areas.
Yes, I fell =.= Well, half of me was wet haha.

I was wet once, and changed my clothes. I had no more spare ones with me, so I'm not gonna be a fool and jump into the water =.=

There are more, just go look 'em up in facebook. Look at their expressions xD.
The couple of the day xD.
Next stop, Black Sand Beach.
On our way there, we saw a beach. Heck, why not? Still got time mah.
Emo xD Shes gonna kill me if she sees this...
The sun was SCORCHING HOT! Burning my skin, and my soul. I thought for a moment I was feeling the temperature of Hell =.=
This pic is actually a request from him -.-
And some other requested pics are these;
On with Black Sand Beach.
The sand really IS black. Like 10 barrels of diesel oil was dumped there. Art session time.
I bought a I <3 Langkawi T-shirt at the souvenir shop there. I bought what I thought was my size, it ended up a little smaller than usual... And it shrunk when I washed it a few days ago =.=
That marks the end of our journey.
Look at the amount of chocolates bought... Some even sum up to a total of RM192...
Dinner at Hai Thien restaurant to end the day. The food was not bad, and the price was less than half of what the seafood restaurant in Langkawi charged us...
Everything was in a rush because we only have half a day to see everything we want. I even hesistated at 1st when invited to go Langkawi. But after all of it was over, I had nothing to regret. Probably one of the best memories in my life.
Signed off,
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