Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Sometimes I wonder, am I with low self esteem, or other people are just plain selfish?

I seriously need to know that am I being too nice until I'm so easily played? Or I'm just dumb enough not to notice its all fake?

Nobody like to be toy-ed around like a fool. I'm no puppet, I have feelings. If you don''t understand that, you certainly are a moron.

I seriously never felt so useless before in my entire life. I pushed every hardship and discomfort I have aside, just to move on, but somehow that never enter your minds, do you?

As is being toy-ed isn't enough, I had to be degraded. Shamed. Humiliated in front of the community. Jokes are jokes. Insults are insults. Whats so hard to know the difference between them?

I feel lower than a common peasant. With no dignity. Is this what you want to achieve?

Maybe the real question is, why do I let all this misery fall onto me?

Signed off,