Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'm So Naive

Sometimes I thought I know it all, but when i actually step outside and experience, what I know is just a drop of water compared to the Great Pacific Ocean.

Sigh, things are harder than what I've always imagined, thus its harder for me to accept things at times. Why do I have to start 2011 like this?

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words may never hurt me."
Yeah right... Sometimes I felt like breaking down even with a mere 'no'.

Sigh, back to the topic. I'm actually suprised how little I know about jobs, considering I've heard and seen others doing it. I know I've never worked before, but I didn't know it would be this hard.

But, I should expect the worst though, my job range is so small, since I'm avoiding sales and teaching.

I still remember trying to get a job in hotels, and calling them for job inquiries. I thought I can handle it myself till my dad came and say "Did you ask for the take home pay? The work shift? The working days? The benefits? The allowance? Training?" Oh... shoot...

It was a little disappointing to hear rejections at 1st, but I got over it. But... as more comes... it does leave a scar in me...

Well, I know I gotta move on, so I stopped searching for jobs in hotels. They only want permanent workers. I switch my preference to bookstores instead. My 1st walk-in interview was with MPH in Gurney. I was a little nervous but at that moment I didn't know an interview will be held immediately so...

I've always thought jobs like this only requires you to perform some training, and then they decide whether to hire you or not. I didn't know so many things they would wanna know about you. I still remember spacing out after they ask me for reference number. All I could think was, "What the hell is that?"

Sigh, I'm so desperate that I'm now willing to drive about 20 minutes to a destination just to find work. But, desperate is still better than giving up.

Life is not always about books (not that I spend a lot of time with it though...), its about balancing knowledge and street smart. One can be super genius but still lose to a normal person without life skills.

I did not start 2011 well, but I learned something, which is to learn more, haha... I'll try to be more observant towards my surroundings as to learn more about whats happening and how to live life a better way.

All the rejections I've received, I'll take that as the 1st lesson in 2011 about life.

Signed off,
Teng Aun.

P.S. I'm still looking for a job though, any recommendations?