I got my 1st paycheck! To protect privacy no pics taken of my cheque :P
Its surprising how I survived 2 weeks of work. Working at Borders isn't necessary my ticket to sweet luxury, but it definitely is an experience. Learning basically everything about my work just makes me realise there are so many other things to learn. I thought my library experience might help out in this job but it turn out to be a complete useless info that hasn't helped me one bit.
Sure, there are some dramas in Borders, but where can I find a place without one? Heck, my own house sometimes felt like a scene from a soap opera, but I'm still the spectator of course :P One good thing about the dramas in Borders is that it usually won't last long. Even if it do, they will just ignore it and move on. Better than not being able to face each other right? That would be terrible, seeing how we have to work together.
Ah.... My paycheck I received today was the 1st penny I ever earned (I don't count that 'Survival' Camp pay as 'earning', more like struggling in hell). It felt great actually, shreds out the feeling of being a useless guy *momentarily*.
I've also received my contract, and wow, the people preparing these contracts must have a thesaurus by them all the time. Either that or their brain is a thesaurus itself. The formality of the letter seemed as if its a royal letter from the king. Not to mention the usual twist 'N' turns, making me flip the page back and forth so many times... Group it up, people... CONVENIENCE IS KEY!
I actually met a lot of great people working there. Not to mention the different... personalities each and everyone displayed at work. Its fun knowing more variety of people now, makes my eyes open wider.
Borders is the 1st place I've ever worked out of my house, so I don't really have any comparison with other places to see which is better or worse. Will I continue working, or regret it? Its still too early to say anything, since its only 2 weeks, but I hope its not the latter.
Things will decide by themselves once my results for STPM arrives. I never want that day to happen, but it will make a HUGE difference. Sigh,I'm not sure if I can handle all that... Just send me into coma and let everything pass.
Signed off,
P.S. Someone banged my car today. That person is someone I know, but I doubt you will be reading this anyway. For a moment I thought maybe this is the time for me to get a coma, but not :P Instead, I had to go out and check my car, check yours, and delay time from going to a washroom back at home since my stomach hurts so badly =.=lll Luckily my car is fine or there goes my paycheck... Received and flew.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Ka Ching!
Posted by Kelvin at Monday, January 31, 2011 0 comments
Thursday, January 20, 2011
At Your Service
Phew, after multiple rejections, finally I'm able to land a job which I LEAST expected to be hired. Heck, I'm still shocked I was called for an interview. Now, I'm officially a trainee at Borders, Queensbay. I worked for two days already, and finally I found some time to blog about it since today is my day off.
Posted by Kelvin at Thursday, January 20, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Job
Thursday, January 13, 2011
I'm So Naive
Sometimes I thought I know it all, but when i actually step outside and experience, what I know is just a drop of water compared to the Great Pacific Ocean.
Sigh, things are harder than what I've always imagined, thus its harder for me to accept things at times. Why do I have to start 2011 like this?
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words may never hurt me."
Yeah right... Sometimes I felt like breaking down even with a mere 'no'.
Sigh, back to the topic. I'm actually suprised how little I know about jobs, considering I've heard and seen others doing it. I know I've never worked before, but I didn't know it would be this hard.
But, I should expect the worst though, my job range is so small, since I'm avoiding sales and teaching.
I still remember trying to get a job in hotels, and calling them for job inquiries. I thought I can handle it myself till my dad came and say "Did you ask for the take home pay? The work shift? The working days? The benefits? The allowance? Training?" Oh... shoot...
It was a little disappointing to hear rejections at 1st, but I got over it. But... as more comes... it does leave a scar in me...
Well, I know I gotta move on, so I stopped searching for jobs in hotels. They only want permanent workers. I switch my preference to bookstores instead. My 1st walk-in interview was with MPH in Gurney. I was a little nervous but at that moment I didn't know an interview will be held immediately so...
I've always thought jobs like this only requires you to perform some training, and then they decide whether to hire you or not. I didn't know so many things they would wanna know about you. I still remember spacing out after they ask me for reference number. All I could think was, "What the hell is that?"
Sigh, I'm so desperate that I'm now willing to drive about 20 minutes to a destination just to find work. But, desperate is still better than giving up.
Life is not always about books (not that I spend a lot of time with it though...), its about balancing knowledge and street smart. One can be super genius but still lose to a normal person without life skills.
I did not start 2011 well, but I learned something, which is to learn more, haha... I'll try to be more observant towards my surroundings as to learn more about whats happening and how to live life a better way.
All the rejections I've received, I'll take that as the 1st lesson in 2011 about life.
Signed off,
Teng Aun.
P.S. I'm still looking for a job though, any recommendations?
Posted by Kelvin at Thursday, January 13, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Worthless Issues
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Flashback of 2010
A good girl at heart, and a cheerful, loud, innocent girl in the outside. Its sad to see her go so quickly. May you rest in peace.
Its a must to attend this event in order to be recognised. Once this event is done, you're officially a first aider. I expected a very formal ceremony, but it turned out to be a pretty fun... outing.
Its the day most people feared. Practically some people who knew about this day would hide in homes to prevent being asked for donation. Its a pretty good experience though, I get to see a lot of different personalities. Some were very kind, some were snobbish, some were ignorants, some purposely avoid at the sight of us, and 1 particular person whom I met... I think he is crazy... A real eye-opener, that day.
I still don't get why its called Cross Country. Its just 15KM, barely even Cross State... It is kinda hard for me to accomplish the top 50 positions, since I am physically-deteriorated... Gotta train my stamina a lot now...
It was a dinner for the entire Khoo family. I've met people I never seen before, and not knowing I'm actually related to them. I even saw foreigners, since I see a white guy wearing kilt. Must be Swedish...
I gotta say, its probably the best trip I've ever taken in 7 years of studying in PFS. We get to see how advanced Peng Hwa is, and how... ancient PFS is... We even went to Sri Peranakan after than to see the Nyonya culture.
In 2009, we got served. 2010, its the lower form's turn to get served. Paints, check. Sparkles, check. Water balloons, check. Flour, check. Now lets go torture these little kids!!! Maybe I should have said these back then....
My 1st time donating blood. I'm not really afraid of needles, but I'm not a big fan of the pain either. Good thing I was mature enough not to scream in pain. It wasn't that bad when they suck your blood out using the tube, it was the time they poke into your vein that had a very painful pinch-like pain. After that, it became boring... Too bad the girl I donate blood to passed away. Seeing how she fought her way through leukemia, I admire her strength. Never saw anyone as optimistic as her, and she had this disease on top of it. May she rest in peace.
No, I did not do this by myself. I kinda wish I knew how. My aunt helped me with it when she came back from Singapore. Like it, love it, livin' it. Too bad its gone now, since my hair grew, and its curly... Waiting for Jun next year... Time to keep my hair long, so don't be startled to see my lion-like hair when you meet me. Its kinda like a cauliflower now when I don't comb it.
The play was pretty good, very unexpected of the actors/actresses to act so well, considering what I saw during training time. The one thing I regret is helping them. The suitcase I borrowed, was slightly damaged, and its a very ancient suitcase that cannot be found in stores anymore. I wasted my time finding stuffs for the play, and ending up having my cert with my name misspelled... I sent it back for correction and never got it back since. This is the appreciation I get for wasting my time.
I still remember freaking out not having a mask to wear. I still remember the hairdo I had, thanks to Melvin for helping me. It turned out great. I still remember making my way to my uncles house in Batu Feringghi to borrow a suit. I still remember the sucky food they served. I still remember the awesome people who attended. It was a wonderful night.
It was 2 days earlier but since I'm busy on the real day, my friends decided to throw a suprise party in class. And as you can see, I got cake-smacked... My 1st time ever getting smacked in the face with a cake... It was probably the best and worst birthday ever... I had lots of friends celebrating it with me and it was fun, but on the real day I had 2 consecutive tuitions... And Mr. Sim put me in shame by pointing out my mistakes out loud to about 100 students JUST because its my birthday =.=
Posted by Kelvin at Saturday, January 01, 2011 0 comments