1) I'm not an item. I'm not something you can use when you want and throw away when not needed. I'm not something you use to release anger. Wanna scream? Go scream into a pillow.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Please Understand That...
2) I'm not a tool. I'm not something you use to achieve what you want. I'm not something that you use to gain pride.
3) I'm not a robot. I only have 2 legs and 2 hands. I sometimes multitask, but not 10~15 tasks at one time. And no, I don't have photographic memory. If I can' remember something its not my fault, its human nature.
4) I'm not a peacemaker. I don't like meddling into other peoples lives if I don't need to. Whatever you create you solve it.
5) I have feelings. I'm not something you can humiliate whenever you want to. I'm not someone you can frame and get away with it. I'm not someone you can scold whenever you are down or gloomy.
6) I have my own things to do. STPM is just around the corner, I don't really have much time left to settle the little little things you felt lazy to deal with. I have my own errands to do too.
7) I have my pride. I'm not someone you can use as a joke when you try to make your friends or relatives laugh. I'm not someone you can scold in front of the whole neighbourhood. I hate it when my hardwork is then used by other people and claimed it as their work.
8) I have my limits. I do not have the patience a Buddha. I may also be short tempered at times. DO NOT PUSH ME. If you cross the line I'll make sure your ass gets kicked till you land on the torch of Statue Of Liberty.
9) I'm not Superman. I can't break through walls, stop time, fly, travel in the speed of light, nor I have the brain of Einstein. STOP asking me to do things that are clearly impossible for me to do. If you need help on how to do something, ask other people who KNOWS how to do it or get your lazy ass into the internet and type G-O-O-G-L-E.
I don't need any more liquid flowing off my eyes, thank you very much.
My life is friggin' messed up.
Signed off,
Teng Aun.
Posted by Kelvin at Wednesday, October 27, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Sorrows, Worthless Issues
Sunday, October 17, 2010
18...*Poof* -->19!
Happy Birthday to our PFS magician Peter Ong! Birthday boy's face is on the picture above.
One of the problems some might face having too many friends is too many birthday updates, but I'm not complaining :P
My order, Grilled Chicken and Fish Combo. Only RM9. Compared to the RM8 Grilled Fish in Paya Terubong, this is actually quite cheap.
Probably the simplest celebration ever, dinner and lepak.
Went for dinner together with Peter, SauFei, Daarmesh, XuJen, ShinYe, Kerry and Joyce(surprisingly) at James Western Food in Fettes Park the day before his birthday.
The decorations are.... unique... Chairs, bicycles, stools, all hanging on the roof... Trees, vines and old ancient lamp posts... I felt as if I was in Alice In Wonderland.
I notice everytime I have dinner with my friends, at least 1 or 2 of them will leave their vegetables untouched. I declare myself the vacuum those times eating up all of their veges. This time though, I'll pass... Among 6 of us (excluding Joyce, she didn't order anything, ending up eating our fries :P), I was the only one that ate the vege...
Sigh, come on people, don't you guys know kids in Africa are starving? :P
Went to the beach after dinner.
Basically just stroll around, played with sand and went foot-deep into the sea. I collected a big, translucent shell there, and it looked like a moon from far, with flash on...

Seems fake I know, but its nice :) Took it home and washed it, makes a pretty good souvenir to remember this day by.
Went home afterwards.
Lastly, I wish you (Peter) a great birthday with your family, and eat lots of food because your birthday coincidentally falls on World Food Day as well (^.^).
Signed off,
Teng Aun.
Posted by Kelvin at Sunday, October 17, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Birthday
Monday, October 4, 2010
Make A Choice, A Right One, That Is
People make choices, wrong ones and right ones.
People make decisions, wise ones and bad ones.
Whatever you do, do you realise that it could potentially hurt the ones close to you?
Friend/family or money. Make a choice.
In my previous posts I've already stated that I lost a friend thanks to this powerful item. It hurts me, but still, I'm glad I get to see his true face before anything worse happens. The only problem is that I don't think he realises he actually hurt someone.
Most of you I presume (and you guys BETTER be), would opt for friends. Thats is what usually thrown on us when we ask this question. But please, ask your self deep deep inside, if things changed, will you feel the same way? Would you betray someone close to you, helping you and taking care of your needs just to satisfy your greed for more money?
Friend/family or celebrity. Make a choice.
This is probably one of the questions many people would hesitate. Basically I've experienced this myself. A person may be saying how he acknowledges his friends, but when it comes to chances of meeting a celebrity, things changed.
Seriously, whats so great about meeting a celebrity?
Will s/he have a conversation with you? NO!
Will s/he hang out with you? NO!
Will s/he even bother you when a huge crowd is around? NO!
Will s/he help you in your needs? NO!
Will s/he even notice you that time....? I guess the answer is pretty clear.
I know people who fantasizes celebrity so much they wouldn't care about others, and I know people who suffered thanks to this.
I'm not saying its wrong to idolise someone, but please know your limits. Do not overdo things to the point where everyone else around you leaves. If that happens, I'll give you a clap. After all, its what happens when your true face shows.
Do note that I'm not finger-pointing at anyone, but if you felt guilty or angered by this post, you yourself has admitted the fault. You have admitted the fact that you chose the wrong decision before. Please make an amendment quick.
Making right decisions lead to positive results, and making wrong decisions doesn't necessarily lead to a negative one. As long as you know how to recover, things will turn out well, and might be even better.
So please, think twice before making decisions. It may be beneficial, but please consider about the people around you. I do know sometimes we have to put these things aside to move on, but not to the extend of hurting everyone till you die alone.
I've known quite a lot of people who are hurt by others thanks to their immaturity and the inability to think about other people. And to be honest, I've been hurt several times as well.
Do not surrender your dignity and morality for the sins of the world.
Signed off,
Teng Aun.
P.S. I find this font quite annoying, but somethings wrong with other fonts, I can't seem to use them, so I'm stuck with this a while till I figure out whats going wrong.
Posted by Kelvin at Monday, October 04, 2010 0 comments
You're Finally 19
Big boy already huh? But I'm still 2 months older :P
Anyways I've lost count on how many times I've said this but HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY!!!
Love the surprise cake? Haha!
Oh wait, its chocolate cake right? Won't it bring a weeeeeeeeeeee bit effect on...
Celebrated Alvin's birthday in Manhattan Fish Market. Their food was awesome, as always. So is the price....
Hope you liked the Choki and the Rocko (I think) that ShinYe and XuJen bought for you :P
Signed off,
Teng Aun.
I notice I make lots of short posts nowadays...
Posted by Kelvin at Monday, October 04, 2010 0 comments
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