Okay before I state what help I need, its better for me to tell the story behind it 1st or it may sound a little... misleading...
Went to school on Thursday for Ms. Choong extra class on Physics, and was informed that Pn. Malini wanted to see us propsmen (yea, I volunteered...)
Went to the school hall as said, and I saw some of the cast practicing their dances.
Joyce is my boss in this division, and she has a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG list of what to find and... that will be our task...

Well, I wasn't the only volunteer for propsmen so I don't need to find that much item...
But the problem is, the item I was assigned for... which is;
--> Parasol (Where could I find this?)
--> Old Suitcase.
NO, I don't want a parasol for myself, eww. Its for Anna, in some scenes she's gonna use it. Actually all these stuff are for the play... so...
Any kind soul possessing the items stated above, could you PLEEEEEASE kindly borrow it for the play of The King And I? I'd be so screwed if I couldn't hand in these stuff when school re-opens...
Signed off,
Teng Aun.
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