Sunday, January 31, 2010


Many of you might have noticed, but I seemed to have abandoned my blog for quite a few weeks now. Here's the problem:

1) Picture uploading for the blog is quite slow... During slow hours the speed is considerably okay...
2) My CPU usage goes 100% easily, WITHOUT IE or MF or GC on... Slows down everything...
3) Due to the matter above, I am suspecting that the RAM is a goner by now, I have a 3GB RAM and the CPU usage goes 100% so easily, what the hell??!!
4) I don't know any DELL service centre in Penang.
5) Even if I knew, I wouldn't know how to get there.
6) I've also been busy with school life, having 4pm dismissal and all...
7) Library job+duty. Who the hell appoint me this post? I've got my sharpened knife ready...
8) I have not encountered any major or even minor events lately, so nothing to blog about.
9) No photo no mood. I love posts with a few photos on it to prove that it actually happened...
10) I sometimes tend to write long posts, take my camp post for example... So now getting lazy with it, and might write shorter posts from now on...

Anyone possessing the knowledge of repairing computer OR having DELL service centre customer service number (NOT INTERNATIONAL ONES, I FOUND A LOT ON THAT) OR their address on their service centre in Penang OR any TRUSTWORTHY computer shop that does NOT invade privacy ( I hate this, it always happens) please let me know by commenting, MSN or on the chat box in the right, thanks. I know I may be asking a lot, but what to do, that's me! HAHA! Kidding yeah, no voodoo dolls with my name on it please...

Signed off,
Teng Aun.