Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010, 2010, go away, come again another day....

Well this is it guys, in a few more hours, 2009 will be replaced with 2010... Scary? Well it is to me... Time flies by so fast... Form 6 life will go on as usual, and worst... NO LONG HOLIDAYS UNTIL EXAMS ARE OVER!!! *Jumps down from 20th floor*

Had a lot of fun in the year 2009. There was Orientation Games, parties, Survival Camp, and so on. Some of you might have noticed, but I changed quite drastically this year. How so? Figure it out yourselves, you guys are the ones who told me. My sis especially.

10 Reasons why I want 2009 to remain;

1) Met LOADS of new friends.
2) The teachers for my class is still A-OK.
3) Starts school in mid year.
4) Dismisses at 2.40 for Mon/Tue, 2.00 for Wed/Thurs, 12.00 for Fri.
5) A lower 6, still junior!
6) Not much books to carry to school.
7) Schedule not so compact.
8) Not examination year.
9) Co-curricular activities are all about done.
10) Saja.

10 Reasons why I DON'T really welcome 2010;

1) An Upper 6... Haihz
2) School starts at 4th January.
3) Starts school at 7.30 and dismisses at 4.00 EVERYDAY (except Fri)!
4) Tuitions doubled. DIE!
5) Restart of co-curricular activities. DIE!
6) Examination year. STPM!
7) More compact schedule.
8) 6 more RC duty to perform...
9) New Physics teacher, which I know who, and ITS NOT GOOD!
10) Vol. 1 AND 2 books needed now... heavy load...

Well, as they say, you will not know if you do not try... Hopefully year 2010 will be that much of a problem...

Signed off,
Teng Aun.