Went out on Saturday with the big PFS 6RB Family, consist of Yours Truly (me, the son), Eu Teong ('Da Ge'), Sau Fei ('Ee Ee'), Shin Ye ('Ah Bu'), Ann Gie ('Dai Sou'), and Daarmesh. We went to Queensbay Mall and watched Harry Porter, And The Half-Blood Prince. Too bad Kerry ('Yi Sou') couldn't make it, and Chuan Way just missed a golden opportunity to form a life time relationship...
Got a wake up call (literally meant, wake up call) by Eu Teong at 8 AM. We waited until 11.30AM to go have lunch before we proceed to Queensbay. While waiting for 3 hours, we did our MUET essay, chat with Sau Fei, and watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S. At 11.30AM, Sau Fei arrived and we went to Heng Ee for lunch. Nothing much there, and the food is horrible... Met Alvin Choong, former Upper 6 and BSS member in PFS. Small world it is, chatted for a while and resumed our lunch. After that, proceed to Queensbay Mall. The traffic was HORRIBLE! The line was so long I had to go to the end of it because I made the wrong turn... Heng Ee High School have co-curricular activities every Saturday, so...
Anyways, we reached Queensbay at 1.30PM or so. went looking for Daarmesh, Shin Ye and Ann Gie. Of all places, why Food Court...? Terrible food with overprice stuffs. It was still early at that moment, so we decided to go CYC arcade for a while. Played 2 rounds of Daytona with Sau Fei and Daarmesh. Got last placing the 1st round and 1st placing the 2nd round. WOHOO! Then, Ann Gie and Shin Ye played House Of the Dead 2 while the boys watched... Shin Ye's face was scary when she played that game... Eu Teong and I decided to play that table hockey..., or something like that (round handles knocking on round target, shooting it to the goal). Intense match it was, and the result? DRAW!
Went for a walk as there was still some time. The boys decided to go to Borders and read some book while the girls... I dunno, window shopping? They disappeared before I get to know where they are going. Borders was boring... not much books available, and the main label for the books are all wrong... At 2.35PM, off to the movies!
Harry Porter, And the Half Blood Prince. Some parts were funny, but overall, quite dissapointing... not as much exciting as the 1st movie or so..., too many cut-out scenes, some parts are hard to understand, and the story was shorter than I expected. Came out, and decided to take some picture. I would have taken A LOT more picture if the ladies were not covering their faces or avoiding the camera when I had it on for picture session.

Its almost dinner time, so we went to KFC for dinner. I'm trying to save as much as I could, so I only ordered the Colonel Chicken Rice. Its the cheapest there. Some band or concert or dance or something was going on outside of KFC, so we get some free 'sound effects' during our dinner. Eu Teong and Sau Fei decided to watch the show as there were hot chicks on stage...
Thats all about it... I would have a lot more pics before and after the movie starts if Ann Gie and Shin Ye would AT LEAST look at the camera... Well, Monthly Test 2 is coming up, so right now, gotta hit a lot of book, so Buh Bye then!
Signed off,
Teng Aun.
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