After SPM, most of my friends have made their step ahead, and some made a too-far step that I could not see them anymore *sobs*. However, eventhough we shall not meet nor interact with each other, I wish you guys a good luck, with loads of success in whatever, or whichever course or education you will be facing, and strive to be the very best and achieve excellence beyond imagination!
My wishes to Razlan Radzi, a loyal friend since Form 1, always supportive eventhough fights happen occasionally. The robot-brain guy that could memorize things superbly (Sejarah boy) and the Mr. Tough for enduring the hardship of co-curriculum in Penang Free School (faint 3 times during practice in Band and still going through with it for 5 years...). The perfect Student Of The Year for balancing academics and co-curriculum perfectly. I wish you good luck in your studies in the new environment at UTP. Congratulations on your Petronas Scholarship!

Razlan RadziMy wishes to Lee Siu Ming, the combination of a good samaritan and a good classmate. Always giving a helping hand, especially on school stuff. Though at times sarcasm may enter, it never failed to humor us. The mastermind of the Historical Society, but sadly, have left the club. However, you made a mark on the society, by launching a website on the society, and maintaining the society well, making it super productive. As a president, you never failed to help the members of the society and gave them the highest marks at the most possible way. Also possessing the ability to speak and debate in Malay Language. Not to mention, poetry. I, myself fell terrible for the delay of change in Stream, causing you to miss lessons for more than a month. However, I am indeed happy that you finally made a step to fulfill your dreams and study A-levels on Arts in Disted. I may miss the times when we were classmates, but I must respect your decision and I will pray for success on your education.
Lee Siu MingMy wishes to Janice Ooi, the smiley in my class, always having a bright smile, cheering up the class. One of the classmate in the pair that makes the greatest sound effects in class (the other person, well known la, loud...). I am glad that you are in a good environment that suits you most for your studies right now. Eventhough we were only classmates for approximately 3 weeks, you were a good friend and a good classmate, cheering the class up. A funny person in a good way, in my opinion. The positive optimistic girl. I wish you good luck in your studies in Disted. *AHEM* sameclasswithsiumingforallsubjecthuh*AHEM* . Haha, just kidding.
Janice OoiMy wishes to Erwyn Ooi, the good boy. Another well balanced guy in academics and co-curriculum. Never failed to laugh at least once when having a conversation with you. The apple of everyone's eye. Very optimistic as well. There are times I wish I could have at least one tenth of your intelligence, enough for me to excel in SPM. Seriously, I had no idea how you could survive Board of Prefects and still manage to be one of the top students in PFS. Incredible, is all I could say. Wish you good luck in your matriculation.
Erwyn OoiMy wishes to Kenny Goh, one of my best friends ever since primary school. Supportive as always, even until now. A committed guy in anything he does, especially towards BSS. A very good friend indeed, no doubt. Cares about his friends and willing to help as much as possible. A fun guy to hang out with, and especially good in helping us booking tickets to movie theatres, haha. Wish you good luck in INTI college, and congratulations in finding a relationship partner, haha! Introduce her to me and the gang sometime yea?
Kenny Goh.
I wanna put the pic of you and your girl, but I still don't know who she is yet, so better not :P
My wishes to Suraaj Sethi and Oh Jey Shenn, both a great friend during my Form 4 and 5 days. Suraaj, a joke lover, that makes everyone laugh, especially with the combo of Suraaj and Gahjen. Very committed and helpful towards classmates, helped me in the science subjects. Oh Jey Shenn, the silent boy. Though silent, you were one of the most helpful friend I have ever had. Willing to give a hand in most of the things needed help for. A generous guy as well. Good luck to both of you in INTI. I cant find pictures of you guys, so I couldn't upload them, sorry...!
My wishes to Ch'ng Guo Wei and Hazrul Alif, another two great friends. Hazrul, the chicken lover. VERY VERY VERY funny guy and I never regret having you as a friend. Sometimes when I am down I think about your jokes and it made my day! Guo Wei, literally, having the same personality as Hazrul. Same interest, same personality, same characteristic. Glad to be your friend, dude! Wish you both good luck in your studies. Though, Guo Wei, please tell me where you are, Hazrul is going to Melaka, and I don't have any new about you since you left Form 6!
Also, my wishes to all my other friends that left the school to proceed with what they will be doing. Lim Wil Sern, my 'boss' for a year. Unpredictable guy. Sometimes helpful, sometimes irritating. I still dispite your sarcasm though, but you were really helpful at times when I need help. Good luck in Disted. Ng Sin Hui, funny guy,but sometimes you might have gone too far. Very good in academic and co-curriculum as well, good luck for your A-levels and congratulations on your JPA scholarship to India. Teoh Chuin Jim, a curious boy, very helpful and also good making funny voices which makes me laugh, though sometimes I don't get your jokes. Congrats on your JPA to Russia and good luck in your studies. Sanjay, though only my classmate for a year, very helpful guy and funny too. Good luck in UNITEN. Sean Toh, funny joke guy, but sometimes, a little dirty. Very helpful as well, especially in BSS. Good luck in SEGi college.
Too many of you are leaving, making this hometown a little too silent. Those times when we were schoolmates was the most memorable times of my life. However, I must not complain. Therefore, I wish you guys once again, good luck in everything, and ADIOS!!!
Signed off,
Teng Aun
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