This post will be about my twisted version of the phrase "sports and recreation". Well, its more like sports, then recreation. Lets not mix these two elements for now shall we? Lets start of with 'sports'.
Yesterday was Merentas Desa, or in English, Cross Country Run, organised by Penang Free School. As I've said in the previous post, this is the only sports event I look forward for, which is suprising, since I'm SUCH a couch potato. Though, I could do without being the driver of the day for 5 'kids'... The run was held in Youth Park. The track was 6 kilometres for male and 5 kilometres for female.
Woke up at 5.50a.m. due to 'someone's' SMS, requesting PA notes (not revealing his name due to his HIGH concern about privacy)... Went to that 'someone's' house to pick him up, only to know his words spoke louder than his actions... Said he would wait at the bus stop, but in the end I was the one with the waiting... Sigh... Then, went to school to pick up Yuen Chiek, for not knowing where Youth Park is...
Reached Youth Park at 6.35a.m., just to know that PFS students are not as enthusiastic about this event as I thought. The parking lot was totally empty! Even if most students of PFS don't drive, the Form 6 students who do are not just countable by our bare fingers... Not to mention the early morning joggers who I usually see in the wee hours, where were they?
Went out at 7.00 a.m., where the crowd starts pouring in. Soon, we were called to the Open Theater for a short briefing, and to listen to an old lady grumble...

Met up with the gang, and some were vain enough to pose for the photo...

Not long later, attendance-taking session for every member of the Sports House. Not to mention that lady is still screaming on the microphone, grabbing attention from the teachers to move forward to help with the attendance. What an annoyance...

The participants were divided into 4 classes, as usual. Class 1,2,3 and P (perempuan, which stands for females). Since I am in Form 6, I was categorised in Class 1 (or more commonly known as L1).

As soon as all those were done, the warm-up session begins. Head conductors, Ms. Girlie Teoh and Pn. Molissa. We were to preform aerobics for warm-up... Why can't we just do stretches or jogs?

As embarassing as it may look, we still have to do it...

After warming up, its almost time for the run...

And OFF WE GO! I was still blur when the horn was blown, and got my self a slow start... Ran from the Open Theater to the entrance of Botanical Garden, where I gave up running, and started panthing like a dog... I was totally
OUT OF ENERGY, and my fatigue accumulated... I walked and slow jogged all the way around the Botanical Gardens and till a small temple nearby. Still manage to snap photos on the way... Some people call me crazy, while some gave a piece of their mind, for not contributing to the Sports House by trying to earn a high mark...

But look, I'm not the only paparazzi around...
Soon, as I reached the residential areas, a friend of mine told me the idea of Power Walking. As I started to use this method, I gained speed and use less energy... Its also called Star Walking, stated by Melvin. So I started Power/Star Walking all the way to Jesselton Street, where the slopes are steep and I don't really have the energy to continue...
When I was close to the finishing line, I saw an officer from my school and he told me;
Officer: Aiya, hang sudah lewat la, lari buat apa! Dudukla!
I was VERY confused. Is he trying to tell me that the race is over, I scored nothing? Then;
Ms. Lee: OI, run la, the finishing line is over there!
O...kay... I felt more confused, but whatever. I just ran and I saw the finishing line not far from me. It was then I met terms with the previous officer. I was a few seconds late from scoring 2 points... Which is such a regretful thing... I should have thought of Power Walking when I stopped at Botanical Gardens... Instead of scoring just 1 point, I could gain an extra one... 3 points is VERY impossible for me, even for most of my friends... Completing 6KM under 45 minutes... You gotta be a pro athlete to do it...

A form 1 or 2 at the finishing line, scoring 1 point...
Ah well, no point crying over spoilt milk... Its better than nothing... Waited for the race to end...

Ms. Lee also announced that the 2 most disciplined Sports House will walk away with a hamper each... Just how exactly is a hamper would to be shared among a Sports House of more than 200 members?

Next, prize giving ceremony... Given to Top 20 among each classes, and to the best Sports House, who gained the most accumulated points.

Natalie of Class P, 3rd placing.

Ann Gie of Class P, 2nd placing. Don't play play...

Koh Cheang Yew of Class 1, 19th placing, if I'm not mistaken...
Afterwards, the most disciplined Sports House award... Both were won by Tunku Putra (orange) and Hargreaves(brown)...
Sent that 'someone' back home, and 4 other people to my place to refresh...

Driver of the day, muahahahaha!
Thats the end of 'Sports'. Lets move on to 'Recreation'.
My definition of recreation is, well... fun. So the plan is to go to Queensbay Mall to watch a movie. It was planned by ShinYe though, not me. We rushed to bathe because we do not want to get caught in the jam during the dismissal of Chung Ling High School, since I DO live DIRECTLY beside or behind CLHS... Sigh...
Well, reached Queensbay at 1.20p.m. and bought movie tickets to Alice In Wonderland... But we still haven't had lunch yet, so off to Nando's for lunch...
The place was nice, but the waiters/waitresses were not as professional as I thought. But the good point is they were friendly, and sometimes funny. The 5 of us ordered 1/4 chicken with 2 sidelines, while Kerry and I ordered a bottomless Iced Tea as well to share among us, especially me (I can't really consume spicy food)... I was the only one to order mild though, the rest wanted HOT HOT HOT!!!
Soon, the food arrived. The waiter had to hold 3 to 4 plates of our order, while stating what it is because there is no way he would remember who ordered what... His hands were so sore, while he stated our orders till he got tired, causing me to laugh my ass off (bah, evil schmevil, I wasn't the only one laughing)!

Mild 1/4 Chicken with Peri Chips and Peri Potato Salad... Yum...

They looked so high-classed, don't they?
Left to right: AnnGie, Kerry, ShinYe
Soon, Arvind arrived... he had his lunch at home so he just joined us for the movie. Something intrigued YuenChiek to label Arvind with something...

Mr. Hot, or Not?
Same thing he did to me.

Mr. Mild, or Not as well?
As we know us Malaysians we could easily consume our food in the matter of minutes...

Walked around in Queensbay, and ShinYe decided to purchase glasses as she felt wearing contact lenses all the time could hurt her eye. Kerry, once worked at an optic shop in Queensbay as well, brought her there to test her eye.

She tested mine as well. I haven't checked my eye close to 3 years already, and as I thought, it increased... by a whole lot! Plan to make a new pair of glasses after STPM.
After that, we went to see the movie.
Alice In Wonderland, I would recommend the movie, but not to violence-lovers. This is more of a comedy, and it may look serious as there are not exterior laughters in the movie, but its still very hilarious, especially Queen of Hearts, which I like to call Tua Liap Chang (big onion in Hokkien)...
Strolled around Queensbay again, and went into Toys R Us... Met Alvin Choong there. Tried not to be recognised by anyone, and when YuenChiek and lead me to a 'certain' section, I walked straight out of the store...

Arvind bought a bouncing ball though, inserting two 50cents into the machine. Went to Rotiboy as Arvind wants to buy bread, and ShinYe needs a drink.
Again, I was the driver of the day, needing to send the 3 girls back to their respective home...
Kerry-Lip Sin
AnnGie-Near Pisa
ShinYe- Near USM
Gosh, I wonder how much fuel I have used up for this day only?
My legs were tortured by the Cross Country run, and the Queensbay mall trip overkilled it... I had to go to Sim tuition today, located in a 4-story tall building... Imagine the pain walking up 4 stories when your leg is about to fall apart...
Holidays are here, but as I have said, my schedule is fully booked... I only have Tuesday and Thursday to rest! Sigh...
This is again a long, long post, I think...
Signed off,
Teng Aun.